The Office of the Future is the world’s first fully functional and permanently occupied ‘3D printed’ building. The pavilion acts as a temporary home for the Dubai Future Foundation, as well as an exhibition space and incubator for future emerging technologies in the region. The entire structure was ‘printed’ in concrete using an additive manufacturing technique.

It is the first fully occupied building in the world to be constructed using such techniques. The entire structure of the building was manufactured using an additive concrete ‘printing’ technique using a 3D printer 20 feet high, 120 feet long and 40 feet wide. The printer features an automated robotic arm to implement the printing process which lasted 17 days and was installed on site in two days.
Subsequent work on the building services, interiors, and landscape took approximately three months.
As a result of this innovative construction technique, the labor cost was cut by more than 50% compared to conventional buildings of similar size, and wastage on site was minimised which helped to reduce the overall environmental footprint of the project.
The design of the building is intended to improve energy efficiency in the hot climate of the UAE, which commonly experiences temperatures that rise above 45°C (113°F) and makes use of 800mm thick insulating cladding. The project is oriented to maximise visibility and natural light, but to shade the inside through projecting overhangs above the windows, optimised to fully shade the glazing from direct sun.
The pavilion has been designed to facilitate a mix of creative interactions, quiet reflective work and serendipitous meetings. This approach supports the work of flexible teams and fluid partnerships.
To achieve this, the Office radiates around a tree shaded cafe courtyard.
The construction of the pavilion is part of a larger strategy launched by the UAE, to become a major incubator of innovation and future technologies for the world. This agenda reflects Dubai’s commitment to develop breakthrough projects and initiatives with partners around the world that can help shape the 21st century for the better.