Located in Dubai’s Financial District, the 30,000m2 Museum of the Future is set to open to public on 22 February 2022, HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai made the official announcement via Twitter.
https://www.constructionweekonline.com/projects-tenders/dubais-museum-of-the-future-to-open-to-public-on-22-february?utm_medium=emailThe much-anticipated opening of the Museum of the Future in Dubai is scheduled for 22 February 2022.
With dynamic and striking architecture by Killa Design, the Museum of the Future has for some time been a landmark for the country that’s not had an official launch date until now.
https://www.middleeastarchitect.com/news/museum-of-the-future-opens“For this landmark project, we wanted to create something which surpassed expectations of what supreme luxury can mean for the affluent traveller,” says Shaun Killa, the award-winning architect whose Dubai-based architectural firm is behind some of the region’s most interesting buildings.