One of the most visually arresting towers in Dubai is the 51-storey Chelsea Tower. It accommodates 282 serviced apartments, with a swimming pool and leisure facilities on the roof of the separate nine-storey car park. Its plan form is essentially a square with two corners linked via the central core to form a diagonal structural spine. This spine is the main support for the floor plates, allowing the remaining corners and the intervening walls to be lighter and their gently curved external surfaces to express movement.

The corner elements of the structural spine extend above the roof and bridge across to support a majestic, 40m tall suspended needle above the central core, taking the building height to 251m.
The lighter elements of the tower are clad in grey/blue glass and white aluminium panels divided vertically into three sections at the service floors. The tripartite division creates a tower of truly elegant proportions while the unique roof form is a landmark feature amid a profusion of mediocre high-rise buildings along Dubai’s main highway.