Strategically located between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, this masterplan is an ideal destination for a well connected integrated mixed-use community. A commercial and residential hub serving the growing Abu Dhabi-Dubai urban development corridor. A self sustainable community comprising of a diverse mix of residential typologies, neighbourhoods and commercial centres that promotes safe communal living in a development that is pedestrian and bicycle friendly. A place where people can live, work, learn and play in a healthy, comfortable and sustainable manner.

Part of the vision of this Masterplan is to explore ideas that would add value to the overall positioning of the project, whether by introducing points of interest with retail, recreation and other elements that will create vibrancy, or by having unique designs in the points of interest, in the real-estate building products and in the public realm that will collectively create an attractive place.
Emphasis is placed on the experience and journey, overall place making and value creation. The Masterplan vision which incorporates the project’s associated objectives are assumed as follows; Self-sustained, connected, integrated, diverse, active and healthy. This vision and more specifically the objectives, will drive the development of the vision Masterplan.